Balanced Decision Making
Balanced Decision Making means the right balance of Effectiveness (Doing The Right Things) and Efficiency (Doing Things The Right Way). Some organizations need help with one or the other, and some need help with both, but I have yet to come across a business that didn’t need help with either.
Strategic Prioritization
Many organization have their “Key Initiatives”, but they also have a long (in some cases very long) list of “other” things they’d like to do. The amount of time, resources and frustration spent on that “other” list is waste, and it is a constant distraction from the real priorities.
Process Optimization
Outdated processes, new features, regulatory requirements, employee turnover, management turnover, greater or less volume than expected, one-off “special handling”, product issues, client issues, reversals and adjustments. Whatever the reason, you’re process has become a mess.